According to data from the Voyager 2 mission in 1979, there are jets in Jupiter’s magnetosheath. This 45-year-old information is now revealing the dynamics of plasma flows.
You may remember Voyager 2. It was launched in August 1977, 12.66 billion miles now Depart from the earth and rush to interstellar space. It is the second-farthest object ever sent into space, after Voyager 1, which is more than 15 billion miles away.
In 1979, Voyager 2 flew by Jupiter and passed through the subsolar magnetosheath—Jovian magnetosphere beneath the sun. The spacecraft collected data during its transit, which a team of scientists has now reviewed and found at least three jets flying over the gas giant.The team’s research is publish This week in Nature Communications.
“So far, jets have been discovered in the magnetosheaths of Earth, Mars and Jupiter, with conclusive evidence that they are Evidence.” to Gizmodo. “Weak evidence of jets from Saturn (also part of this study) and Mercury has also been reported.”
Now, jets on Jupiter seem a sure thing. Jets are rapid flows of material, or, as the researchers describe it, “a transient increase in the dynamic pressure of a plasma.” Researchers found three of them in Jupiter’s magnetosheath, the outer layer of the magnetosphere that surrounds the planet. One of the shock waves is moving toward the sun, while the other two shock waves are moving away from the sun.
Late last year, another team of scientists discovered Evidence of fast-moving jets In the midbelly of Jupiter.But this jet is traveling through Jupiter’s gaseous interior; the newly reported jet is located downstream of Jupiter bow shock—The area of the magnetosphere facing the sun that slows down the solar wind.
Cassini spacecraft imaging Jupiter’s magnetosphere in 2002, revealing the charged particles orbiting Jupiter. As NASA detailed in the image released, the magnetosphere is so large that if it were visible to the naked eye, it would appear two to three times larger than the moon to viewers on Earth. According to the European Space Agencythe planet’s magnetosphere is the largest structure in the solar system; it is about 15 times the size of the sun.

The researchers added that Jupiter’s moons play an important role in magnetosphere dynamics. The density of plasma in the magnetosphere causes it to “expand like a balloon,” they said. “Satellites orbiting close to Jupiter’s magnetopause and magnetosheath are likely to be directly affected by the jets.”
Shen’s team found evidence of jets in Saturn’s magnetosheath in the Cassini data; combined with evidence from Mercury and confirmation of jets on Mars, they concluded that jets may exist in the magnetosheaths of all planets.
The researchers added that while the ongoing Juno mission could provide data on Jupiter’s magnetosheath, the data would be focused on the back end of the structure. In other words, it may not be able to collect data from the fast-moving jet behind the bow shock. ESA’s JUICE mission— expected to arrive at Jupiter in 2031 — but could provide more insight into Jupiter’s magnetosheath its main goal would be an icy moon of Jupiter.
more: Juno spacecraft prepares for closer look at Jupiter’s tortured moon
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