when. . .when Ultimate Marvel Launched 24 years ago, the series hopes to take Marvel heroes back to their roots, a modern world shaped by modern-day Titans. For the past two and a half decades it has survived, thrived, diedand Quietly reborn—But it’s only now that Marvel has dominated Shape rebirth That’s how it should be, in a world with completely different needs than the last New Age of Heroes.

The feeling of longing for something is included in this week’s reboot Ultimate Spider-Man #1, Written by the building’s architect The Radical Clark Era of the X-MenArt by Jonathan Hickman, with art by Marco Checchetto and Matthew Wilson, and lettering by Cory Petit. We knew we were expecting a very different Peter Parker than the one we met decades ago in Ultimate Spider-Man — not a teenager who would one day give his life for The Amazing Spider-Man, but It’s an older man, a father, happy marriage And find your place in a world filled with work stress, bills, and all the traumas that come with human life. But nearly every page of this issue is filled with tension, because both we the audience and Peter himself know something is wrong.Something has happened lostthat should be there, but we miss it so much.

This is more realistic than Spider-Man’s fate in many movies. Ultimate Spider-Manworries. Set in the contemporary world twenty years ago, The Creator (Marvel’s sinister answer to Reed Richards, already famous) Interveners in multiple events) changed the fate of Ultimate Earth’s doomed hero so that it would never happen so that he could reign in the shadows, and the new Ultimate Marvel Universe was filled with unnecessary sadness. When Tony Stark reveals the Creator’s conspiracy, Richards launches a devastating coup to keep his world spinning: a massive, horrific terror attack on Tony Stark that will forever Destroying his legacy as Iron Man while also appeasing those future Iron Man heroes. The world is full of sadness and regret.
In this reality, Ben Parker’s death didn’t define his nephew’s life, but May’s death – so much was lost in the Creator’s attack – and there was never a radioactive spider to bear the consequences of its immense power. huge responsibility. On the anniversary of May’s death, the Peter we meet here is older, and much older. tired. Tired of the hurt he shared with his uncle, still reeling from the loss of his wife decades later.Tired of his life at the Daily Bugle, going through the motions under the aegis of both parties J.Jonathan Jameson and Ben himself, who is the paper’s editor-in-chief. Tired of watching the people in his life pass him by, a fear brought on by fatherhood and a need for stability to keep him afloat and contained – but he knew, Feel Deep down, he should want something more.

This Peter Parker isn’t the nerdy outcast we’re presented with in most Spider-Man origin stories. He’s just… a man. With the most famous stories of Spider-Man as we know them presented and adapted here, Peter and MJ’s family, May’s death, Ben’s life, and when Kingpin himself takes action against Bugle to banish Parker Sr. and Jameson, Its very life has been turned upside down.In an editorial shakeup that might make any reporter covering this issue a little cringe-a fact we are constantly reminded of amid the lingering sense of trauma and loss that permeates New York beyond this family, and offend its. But there’s also this impoliteness about Peter that feels metatextual in a way but also embodies the introspection and seriousness of a man whose life up to this point is largely invisible to us. It’s still that relatability that defines those characters given Spider-Man’s heroics, but it’s a very different feeling, one of meeting fans who grew up with Ultimate Marvel all those years ago.
But the reason why Longing is at least somewhat metatextual is revealed in the final pages of the first issue.It sets a very different tone for what’s to come Ultimate Spider-Man. In a flashback at the end of Peter Parker’s long, wild, sad day, it’s revealed that the night before, he received a mysterious package claiming to be Tony Stark six months later. Tony reveals the Makers’ plans to Peter, and since he seems to have many others who want to be the ultimate Earth heroes, Tony offers him a chance: to become the heroes they are destined to be, as they are now, and ushering in a new era of superheroes into a world that has so far re-existed without them.And Peter Parker want it.

We’re used to Spider-Man’s powers being thrust upon our protagonists – after all, that’s Highlights from Ben Parker’s Course, understanding that the sudden arrival of this power requires its wielder to wield it with superhuman responsibility. presents a Peter Parker who lived the life we ourselves long for, in fits and starts throughout his publishing history—peace, love, happiness, family, and yes, loss, but this Loss is life’s inevitable longevity – Stark is almost vibrating when his package opens to reveal a test tube containing a radioactive spider, opening up a fascinating well of potential for this new era to come. What does it mean to have a chosen Spider-Man? What does it mean that the balance between Spider-Man’s superhero and personal life is going to be so different, having relationships at this point in his life?
We have older Spider-Men, and we have Spider-Men who live happily ever after and their web-wielding alter egos. Some of us are destined by destiny, some of us see the ripples of destiny, Connect them with others A network that spans Marvel’s countless realities and is able to, in a sense, define what it means A Spider, no this. But rarely do we have that combination – living life but longing for change of any kind.what else Ultimate Spider-Man The #1 pick is packed with tons of potential, and we can’t help but be equally eager to see this Peter Parker, this Spider-Man, take his first steps into an ever-evolving and powerful world.
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