Firaxis and 2K Marvel’s Midnight Sun was one of my favorite games of 2022, but it ended up falling by the wayside in 2023. In the midst of a plethora of great games and a busy year, it can be hard to find time to play this tactical RPG.But as 2023 draws to a close and 2024 approaches, I’ve Back to game I found myself easily re-enamored by a game that looked rather unconventional.
There are many reasons to love midnight sun, But it all ultimately comes from how well it establishes its own spin on the Marvel Universe and existing characters. This is largely thanks to the game’s social element – your player character, Hunter, must bond with other Marvel heroes through conversations, training, and at the end of the morning or daily missions. .
In the social aspect, midnight sun Trying to get into the emotion of fan fiction turned out to be the right move. In an early scene, Nicomin asks Hunter to help throw a secret birthday party for Majik, which Blade emphasizes is a bad idea. Going through this without telling Majik resulted in a party so awkward that she ended up leaving and the responsibility of finding her fell on Hunter.In another film, Blade invites Hunter to join his book club so he can have a chance to talk to Captain Marvel, but Captain America joins the club, ultimately believing that all Blade did was to give Captain Marvel a chance to stay. make a deep impression he. There’s a certain charm to traveling between different hero factions and watching them attack each other via in-game social dynamics that makes it feel as fulfilling as the combat.
midnight sun There’s no romantic element, although you wouldn’t know that in a one-on-one get-together. From Robbie Reyes lamenting his singleness with Hunter to Wolverine saying he enjoys spending time with them, there’s a “friends are friends” vibe throughout. Even putting aside the whole “my OC is best friends with the Avengers and other dark heroes” thing, there’s something really mind-blowing about playing a big-budget superhero game that involves heroes who are so candid about their feelings. surprise. Sometimes it’s a bad thing for superheroes to know whether or not they talk to other people in their circle.But the heroes midnight sun Be willing to open up – whether it’s about their past or their current feelings about fighting Hydra and the Hunter’s demonic mother, Lilith.
When they don’t do that during breaks, they sometimes argue directly with each other in a very real way that doesn’t feel like it’s meant to create artificial tension. Technically, Midnight Sun is made up of two teams: dark heroes like Blade, Sorcerer, Nico, and Robbie, and the Avengers, represented by Captain America, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange. Sometimes Hunter will prevent both teams from continuing to fight, and it’s interesting to see the game keep characters like Robbie and Majik hostile to more Marquis heroes. Even Spider-Man, who’s been a fan of the Marvel Universe for the past few years, has some complicated thoughts: He wonders if he’s really cut out for life in the Avengers, and when Tony Stark pisses off Robbie, so does Peter. Angry Tony quickly sided with Ghost Rider.
In more than one way, midnight sun It’s a bit messy.This is a sharp contrast spider man 2 Since last October, it feels like it has been refined in every aspect. (How could it not be when it’s a PlayStation exclusive movie?) I love it spider man 2 for that clarity and what it is Get startedbut I also love midnight sun Because it doesn’t quite come together. It can be annoying sometimes when you can only complete one mission per day, or when you have to reload a save (sometimes more than once!) when you realize you’re not as tactically proficient as you thought. But these flaws ultimately make the game feel different, because when it clicks with tactics or character levels, it really clicks.
midnight sun It works because it feels like a Marvel game from a bygone era.In the 1990s and mid-2000s, many similar games appeared Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Ultimate Spider-Man They are inherently enjoyable and have a charm that makes them stand the test of time.The same reason Midnight Sun: It’s more scrappy than its other superhero contemporaries, but no less impressive.
midnight sun Available on PlayStation, Xbox and PC.
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