G2 has long been a trusted tool for B2B marketers who rely on marketplaces to capture customer feedback, use it to create marketing content, and use buyer intent data to find and target marketplace buyers. In a world where sales and marketing alignment is critical, sales teams can also benefit from G2’s solutions and data.
To explain how to do this, my colleague Caroline Celis, Distinguished Senior Director of Global Business Development at G2, joined me for a workshop G2 arrives in 2023 Master class session. Here we have the opportunity to explore the diverse applications of G2 in sales to generate leads, retain and grow customers, and close deals.
Especially in the current economic climate we are in, tools like G2 are invaluable to sales teams. In this article, I’ll summarize some important tips to help you get started and be successful with G2.
Focus on the right prospects
Our first tip revolves around identifying and focusing on potential buyers. Key questions such as “Who is really our target audience?” and “What tools can serve as assets in reaching them?” form the backbone of your sales strategy. In this regard, Caroline emphasizes the need to abandon the traditional broad-based approach (talking to every contact) and adopt a data-driven approach.
So how does the G2 fit into this equation? G2 can help you strategically decide who to contact and when.Modern sales methods involve understanding buyer intent signals, and G2 delivers them masterfully Data-driven insights – Instantly notify you who is researching your product, your category or your competitors.
By fine-tuning your approach, you can create fewer pipelines. You should expect a significant increase in conversion rates, which is what really matters when it comes to sales. G2 intelligence Eliminates much of the guesswork, allowing you to focus on high-quality meetings, not just pipeline numbers. Sales leaders should actively track pipeline conversion metrics on a timeline based on average sales cycles. This will demonstrate the value of the buyer’s intent to the income.
Use buyer intent data to personalize your outreach
Once you know who you’re targeting based on your buyer intent data, it’s important to go all-in during the outreach process. This is where personalization comes in. The days of generic, one-size-fits-all email are quickly disappearing. Today’s buyers in both B2B and B2C sectors appreciate personal service; they want to be heard and understood.
Fortunately, G2 provides a wealth of data that enables teams to significantly enrich the customer experience.
Caroline provided examples of companies using G2’s buyer intent signals to achieve high open rates and conduct high-quality meetings. These signals are powerful indicators of potential customer interest, allowing you to customize your outreach strategy based on real-time data.Similar tools LinkedIn and Zoom message This customization can be further enriched by targeting specific locations and positions.
Leveraging G2 for Customer Scoring and Pipeline Acceleration
To further optimize the use of G2 in sales, don’t forget about customer scoring and pipeline acceleration. International Business Machines CorporationIs a veteran user of G2 Buyers Will and has set an example for other businesses.
The gist of the idea is that by using G2’s intent data, you can reliably predict which prospects are most likely to convert and where they are in the buyer’s journey. This enables your sales team to effectively prioritize their efforts.
If there’s one thing we hope everyone takes away from our conference, it’s that G2 isn’t just for marketing professionals. It’s a powerful tool that gives sales teams the advantage of refining their strategies, delivering a personalized experience, and ultimately closing more deals faster and more efficiently. Implementing these insights can dramatically change the way you approach and engage prospects, converting them from prospects to loyal customers.
Learn more about G2 for Sales and watch our full G2 Reach 2023 session.