Disney monetizes third parties again Steamboat Willie video, which it had previously remonetized and dropped copyright claims on. There was a problem with the audio of the video this time.
On Thursday, Mashable reported that Disney posted a message to voice actor and YouTuber Brock Baker Steamboat Willie video, although the comic entered the public domain earlier this year. Due to copyright claims, Baker was unable to make money from the film, which was also blocked from third-party embedding and banned entirely in some countries.
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Twenty-four hours later, Disney withdrew its copyright claim and Baker’s film was re-monetized. Now, Baker is hit with a different copyright claim, this time regarding the video.

YouTube’s latest copyright claim for Brock Baker.
Photo credit: Brock Baker
The video titled “Steamboat Willie (voiced by Bullock)” contains the entire 1928 Disney animated short Steamboat Willie. Baker provided his own voiceover for the nearly eight-minute cartoon.
Disney seemed to acknowledge this when it remonetized Baker’s film Steamboat Willie is public domain and can be used for a variety of creative uses in film (including for-profit uses), but now that its hit Steamboat Willie (voiced by Bullock) has come up with another copyright claim, we’re back to square one.
Hopefully Disney will withdraw its copyright claims as quickly as it has in the past.